Be our partner

More than a good recipe is being able to transform companies, impact people and generate results through customized technology.

Purpose (Person)

Being a Software Start partner is for you if you are committed to the second biblical commandment.

[Love and Help Others. (Matthew 22:37-39 / 1 John 3:16-17)]

Our activity combines the pleasure of working with what we love (Technology), at the same time we understand our client's problem and create a personalized solution to solve their problem.

I want to help

Process (How)

Our partner program is based on more than 20 years of experience of our employees, distributed by categories to make our process as a software factory better understood.

The sale is a consequence and it is not our objective to sell anything, our focus is to transform companies by digitizing their processes through software, mobile applications or 100% personalized APIs.

The monetary value is a consequence, in this case, as it is a solution to a problem, the harvest is plentiful.

I want to harvest

Product (Service)

Many companies still have their processes stuck, whether in industry, commerce or services, the main objective of introducing technology is to reduce costs and maximize results. The products created at Software Start are born from technical documentation, that is, we create an identity and outline a goal to be achieved.

We are an authority in Innovation and Digital Transformation.

I want to be an Authority

Interested in representing our services?

Expand your company's operations by boosting your revenue with our solutions that have a great average sales ticket and participation for our representatives.

I want to be a Representative
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